Tuesday, August 7, 2018

August 20: My appearance on "One on One with Steve Adubato"

The date is set! On August 20 my interview on the "One on One with Steve Adubato" show will air. Check out the program schedule right here.

We will be discussing my new novel, CONFIRMATION: INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNEXPLAINED, along with the corrosive and downright sleazy impact of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones on American society. Very timely, I think, especially with all the bizarre new headlines about the QAnon conspiracy theory and Jones getting the book off of social media sites like Facebook, Apple, and Spotify.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Actually, this is not a good idea.

So tech giants Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify, as discussed in this article, have just banned Alex Jones' InfoWars website from their services. These services, of course, have every right to do so as private companies and this in no way constitutes any form of censorship. Only the government can censor. Private organizations and individuals have absolutely no legal obligation to give anyone a platform for their speech.

However, this is still not a good idea.

The only thing such a move can accomplish is to make a martyr out Jones. Removing his moronic conspiracy rants from these sites will now make him even more appealing as a "rebel" who dares to "speak out" and "expose the truth" that the big, evil, New World Order mainstream media tries to keep hidden. He, in fact, is already telling his readers and listeners that InfoWars is the most "censored" site on the Internet. It makes it sound really sexy and courageous, doesn't it? I bet his dimwit fans certainly think so. This move just might have been one of the biggest favors Facebook and these companies could have done for Jones.

Banning speech by organizations in the business of mass communication, even when legally allowed, is seldom a desirable - or even ethical - thing to do. Even if this speech is the sort of absurd and repugnant conspiracy theorizing that's Jones' stock in trade, offensive speech is best countered by more speech. The very philosophical foundation of democracy, after all, is the idea that individuals must be trusted. As vast a marketplace or ideas should be provided for individuals as possible because is such a marketplace, sensible, logical and decent expression by decent people will outweigh the garbage.

The best antidote to Alex Jones' garbage is not to martyr him but to expose it for what it is.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Book release!


And CONFIRMATION has arrived! My first novel is now available in hardcover, paperback, and electronic versions. Whatever your preference, you can get the book from any of your favorite booksellers.

As Kirkus Reviews wrote, the book is “A captivating examination of humanity’s fear of the unknown, with hints of sci-fi and fantasy.” You can read their full excellent review right here!

Paul Levinson, Fordham University professor of communication and media studies, former president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and the author of such acclaimed science fiction novels as “The Plot to Save Socrates,” “The Silk Code,” and “The Consciousness Plague” calls the book “A media-savvy, X-Files-like, fast-paced story that’s just dying to be made into a Netflix or Amazon series.”

Monday, July 2, 2018

Will be appearing soon on "One-on-One With Steve Adubato."

I had a fantastic time a couple of days ago being interviewed by Steve Adubato, Emmy-winning anchor and host of PBS's "One-on-One." We got to talk about my forthcoming novel, CONFIRMATION: INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNEXPLAINED, and the dangerous, damaging impact of conspiracy theorizing on American culture. The episode should air near the end of July or early August. Keep an eye on this spot for the exact date!

Monday, June 18, 2018


7/16/18 The time of...CONFIRMATION. Less than one month now and my new novel is available!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Hail Satan! Lucifer Returns!

OK, so I feel like digressing now and again, writing about some of my favorite TV shows and films. And my very favorite, just for its audacious premise, is FOX's - or formerly FOX's - "Lucifer." The devil himself as a crime-fighting hero? I think it's probably one of the best high-concept ideas that was ever on television. I had been meaning to read the Neil Gaiman graphic novels the show is based on and I think I will get around to it very soon. Perhaps while I wait for "Lucifer" to return on Netflix.

Fox had axed "Lucifer" a month ago, but the show's devoted fans started a #SaveLucifer social media campaign immediately. I did my part in retweeting it, of course, and now I'm ecstatic to see that Netflix just stepped in and saved the show. Read an article about it right here. 

It does keep raising interesting questions about the validity of the TV ratings system and how best to gage audience preferences in the era of new media technologies. Or whether science fiction and fantasy shows should even be attempted on the four main broadcast networks. Sci fi and fantasy have been thriving on cable and streaming services for years now, so perhaps all future productions like this that think way outside of the box and past the stale old lineup of the usual cop shows, lawyer, shows, doctor shows, and sitcoms should head straight for cable and streaming.

But now I'm just excited to see the devil back on TV!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Please let this be a joke! Please let this be a joke!

Hmm...so a friend of mine recently shared this link to a story about the latest in Flat Earth thinking and Flat Earth conspiracy theorizing. Apparently the flat Earth model is not enough to accommodate Australia. The giant pancake flying through space - or whichever model whatever group of Flat Earthers choose to believe in - would not be big enough to hold the Australian land mass. Thus we get this conspiracy theory that Australia is really an invention by the great global - pun intended - conspiracy. So Australia does not exist, so say these yo yos. Got that? Australia has been invented by NASA and all the people who claim to be from there are actors all in league with the conspiracy and just pretending.

Oh, boy! Need we say more? Life in the 21st century.

This is almost as wonderfully deranged as the conspiracy theory about Finland not existing. Yup, I just ran across this the other day. Check out this link to the story. Finland is really a Russian/Japanese hoax concocted after World War II.

"But wait!" you might say. "So what about all the hundreds of years' worth of recorded history referring to Finland? How about all the people who've been to Finland? Or the ones who claim to be from there? Or couldn't you just get on a plane or a ship and just travel to Finland?"

Recorded history? Recorded by whom? "They" can make up the fake books! In the hidden printing plants of the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers.

People from Finland? Actors! Just like the Parkland and Sandy Hook crisis actors.

Flying or sailing to Finland? The airlines and cruise ship companies - all in on the conspiracy - are actually taking you to Sweden where an army of Swedish actors are then pretending to be Fins.

Ah, the great derangement of the 21st century. This makes my job of deprogramming college kids who are open minded to garbage like this even more...well, at least colorful.