Showing posts with label Libertarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libertarian. Show all posts
Friday, December 14, 2018
Whaaat?? Getting marked by "The Beast" at the airport??
With another semester winding up, I will soon be taking a little break from corrupting the minds of the young and the innocent and getting away from it all for a little winter break. All that mind-corruption, you know, is quite hard work. As I'll be doing some flying - and I've been flying quite a bit over the past year and planning on more travel over the coming year - for the break, I'm just learning that airports around the country will soon be getting turned into the centers where the Beast, the Antichrist, and Satan will be marking travelers with the "sign" and moving us closer and closer to the enslavement of all of humanity.
You don't believe me, you say? Check it out right here. This YouTube video from the "Call for an Uprising" channel will explain the whole shocking plot, that is if you can sit through all 11 execrable minutes of it. I did, shaking my head a lot and not knowing if I should laugh or cry. One wants to laugh as the idiocy of this information, laugh at the fact that this channel - and many others like it - is a con job where some Alex Jones wannabe hustler in a basement somewhere is ranting about the end of the world and the Illuminati and Satanists, telling thousands of rubes and delusionals what they want to hear, and said rubes are eating it up and believing every word of it. And then you want to cry because there are thousands of rubes and delusionals actually out there who actually believe in this and they can't understand what kind of a swindle "A Call for an Uprising" is.
As you'll see in the video if you check it out, they take the issue of planned face-recognition software at airports - something that does raise some legitimate privacy concerns - and turn it into a farce by predicting that it's the first step in some kind of a New World Order fascist takeover, and insinuating that terrorist attacks like 9/11 were "false flag" conspiracies. And so on and so forth. Again, at the core of this story is a valid issue, although, as much of a Libertarian as I am, I don't believe that heightened airport security is leading us to a fascist state. You see, the thing is that I prefer to be a live Libertarian who might be slowed down a little bit at the airport, rather a dead one, blown out of the sky by some ISIS psycho who wanted to reserve his spot in paradise. Yet the best way to completely tune the issue out is by having these conspiracist idiots start spouting their New World Order fantasies about it.
And, of course, this massive global conspiracy that will soon implant Satanic microchips in Americans is somehow allowing their evil plots to be exposed on YouTube by "A Call for an Uprising." Yeah, sure.
A Call For An Uprising,
New World Order,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Swine Flu Casualty (sort of): Free Speech

Well, there seems to be a casualty of the swine flu today...attention to the Supreme Court's outrageous ruling that the FCC will be allowed to fine broadcasters for airing any "fleeting expletives." These are single-word curses like "fuck" and "shit" - or perhaps references that should be thrown around a lot in any documentary about the kinds of people (Parents Television Council) who are celebrating this ruling: "assholes." But while the news headlines have been dominated by the "all swine flu all the time headlines" (and yeah, not an unimportant story), the Supreme Court allowing the FCC to trample all over the First Amendment has fallen off the media's radar today.
For some excellent thoughts on this, do check on the right of this blog for Paul Levinson's piece too. As he argues - and has been arguing for years - it's outrageous how the words as clear as "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech" can be allowed to be flouted by an irrelevant and reactionary bureaucracy like the FCC.
And Dr. Levinson is absolutely right in the argument that conservative justices are ignoring their own beliefs that a judge should not legislate from the bench. This is an exact point I have believed in for a very long time, every time I heard the conservative far right wing moralists supporting censorious legislation. What the hell happened to the party of "small government" and Ronald Reagan's goal to "get government off your back?" What happened to the American people knowing how to live their lives and raise their families better than Washington bureaucrats and censorious, puritanical, whacko special interests?
Perhaps this might be one of the reasons so many are deserting that party for a real limited-government-alternative like the Libertarian Party.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The More "Culture Wars" the Better!
"I'll give you a war you won't believe" - John Rambo
As the co-host of the WSPC online radio station's Culture Wars show, I'll be giving our listeners a companion piece to all our wit and brilliance through these blog postings. So far, the Culture Wars show, hosted by myself and Ernabel Demillo, can be heard every Thursday from 12:00 to 1:00, Eastern time.
Changing the sound of daytime talk radio, Culture Wars is a discussion of current events, media, entertainment, politics, and all of our musings on pop culture that pops into the minds of a couple of communication professors.
Especially when it comes to those musings on current events and politics, give us a listen - and stop by this blog - if you want something other than the usual, predictable party lines of left wing and right wing opinions reciting exactly what you expect inflexible left-wingers and right-wingers to recite. On our show, get a taste of something like Libertarian (me) and Zen (Ernabel) party lines. Except when we change our minds and have completely different opinions!
So tune in - and keep reading - if you like the unexpected.
As the co-host of the WSPC online radio station's Culture Wars show, I'll be giving our listeners a companion piece to all our wit and brilliance through these blog postings. So far, the Culture Wars show, hosted by myself and Ernabel Demillo, can be heard every Thursday from 12:00 to 1:00, Eastern time.
Changing the sound of daytime talk radio, Culture Wars is a discussion of current events, media, entertainment, politics, and all of our musings on pop culture that pops into the minds of a couple of communication professors.
Especially when it comes to those musings on current events and politics, give us a listen - and stop by this blog - if you want something other than the usual, predictable party lines of left wing and right wing opinions reciting exactly what you expect inflexible left-wingers and right-wingers to recite. On our show, get a taste of something like Libertarian (me) and Zen (Ernabel) party lines. Except when we change our minds and have completely different opinions!
So tune in - and keep reading - if you like the unexpected.
Culture Wars,
pop culture,
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