Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2019

When my students make me proud!

I was so proud of several of my students who brought a story that I had missed to my attention about flat Earth beliefs and YouTube. This is a link to an article about a new study from Texas Tech University that found that a number of people who believe the Earth is as flat as a pancake seem to have been swayed to this belief through YouTube. Again, I’m kind of embarrassed that I missed this story, but very proud of students who brought it to my attention.

The study adds some interesting points to the conversation about unlimited speech and expression on social media and what to do about the spread of hoaxes, fraud, and fake news on platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and the like. Being a knee-jerk free expression absolutist, I don’t like to limit speech of any kind in any medium. Democracy can only function when we trust the individual and allow each and every person to express themselves without any governmental interference. As I had written here before, even the unadulterated horse manure that comes out of Alex Jones’ mouth should enjoy the same free speech protection as any other American citizen’s opinions and social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter are in the wrong for banning him. I firmly believe in the arguments John Milton laid down in “Areopagitica” for a free marketplace of ideas. To counter ideas one might not believe in, to counter ideas one might even find dangerous, each person has an obligation to speak up, speak out, and criticize. If you don’t like someone else’s speech, you should add more speech to it, not ban that individual from speaking.

And that comes back to the very sensible conclusions of the Texas Teach study. It’s author, Asheley Landrum, does not blame YouTube for flat Earth beliefs. The core of this nonsensical belief system, I am certain, is rooted in much more complex psychological and sociological issues. The flat Earth videos exist because there is a growing number (although I am curious about the exact number of true Flat Earth believers out there) of people who are already given to believe in anything that goes counter to all scientific consensus. And, quite correctly, she argues that the findings of her study should actually be a call for scientists and academics to start adding more of their voices to counter flat Earthers, the conspiracy theorists, the anti-intellectuals on YouTube and other social media. 

So dear academic colleagues, please start producing your YouTube videos right away! 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Actually, this is not a good idea.

So tech giants Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify, as discussed in this article, have just banned Alex Jones' InfoWars website from their services. These services, of course, have every right to do so as private companies and this in no way constitutes any form of censorship. Only the government can censor. Private organizations and individuals have absolutely no legal obligation to give anyone a platform for their speech.

However, this is still not a good idea.

The only thing such a move can accomplish is to make a martyr out Jones. Removing his moronic conspiracy rants from these sites will now make him even more appealing as a "rebel" who dares to "speak out" and "expose the truth" that the big, evil, New World Order mainstream media tries to keep hidden. He, in fact, is already telling his readers and listeners that InfoWars is the most "censored" site on the Internet. It makes it sound really sexy and courageous, doesn't it? I bet his dimwit fans certainly think so. This move just might have been one of the biggest favors Facebook and these companies could have done for Jones.

Banning speech by organizations in the business of mass communication, even when legally allowed, is seldom a desirable - or even ethical - thing to do. Even if this speech is the sort of absurd and repugnant conspiracy theorizing that's Jones' stock in trade, offensive speech is best countered by more speech. The very philosophical foundation of democracy, after all, is the idea that individuals must be trusted. As vast a marketplace or ideas should be provided for individuals as possible because is such a marketplace, sensible, logical and decent expression by decent people will outweigh the garbage.

The best antidote to Alex Jones' garbage is not to martyr him but to expose it for what it is.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Can't Miss Culture Wars Episode

Be sure and tune in to the March 26th episode of WSPC Culture Wars, when we talk to Fordham University Communication Professor and Science Fiction author Paul Levinson. Dr. Levinson, a strong supporter of our show and St. Peter's College, will talk to us about the intrusion of ideology and political dogma into the world of science and research.

Plus, Dr. Levinson has debated PTC head Brent Bozell and challanged him on the fact that his regressive and repressive organization has virtually no scientific basis for their anti-speech agendas. You must check those out on YouTube!

Also, Jennifer B. White, author of The Witch and the Devil's Son, will talk about aspiring authors trying to beat the odds and breaking into the big, bad world of New York commercial publishing. In this economy, the deck might be stacked against writers, but Jennifer, a PR professional, has tips for guerilla marketing tactics and how talented and imaginative first time writers can get their work some attention.