Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stallone is God!

If Hitchcock, Kurosawa, and Ford were to suddenly come back from the dead, I don't think I could be any more psyched than I am about the news that keeps coming in about the developments on Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables!

Check out all the news on the stallonezone web page.

What will, no doubt, be the greatest action film ever made has just added Stone Cold Steve Austin to the cast. This, along with Jason Satham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and Mickey Rourke already signed up. The film will start shooting on the end of this month.

Dolph Lundgren and Sly Stallone together for the first time since Rocky IV! A dream for all violent action film geeks!

The film had better be rated R!!

"Expendable...that's when you're invited to a party and don't show up...nobody cares."
"Rambo, you're not expendable!"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

WSPC Culture Wars Podcast Available!

Podcasts of Culture Wars episodes are being made available at

Check out the entire hour broadcast on January 22...the infamous episode that inspired the disapproval of the New Jersey chapter of the Parents Television Council.

Take a listen and let us know if the brief discussion of my book, The Asian Influence on Hollywood Action Films was dangerous, subversive, and threatening enough to family values and The American Way of Life to warrant threats of boycotts against St. Peter's College. E-mail your comments to

What I'm still convinced of is that God must love crazy people, because He makes so many of them...and they're all members of whacko media watchdog groups like the PTC and they're listening to our show.

Now at least they can enjoy our programs over and over again! Hey, we take 'em where we can get 'em.

More episodes are being uploaded over the next few days!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Author Barbara Oakley on the Next Culture Wars

Be sure and catch today's episode of Culture Wars when Dr. Barbara Oakley discusses her book, Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother's Boyfriend, looking at the history of and the current science behind the behavior of the successfully sinister.
From brutal dictators to Machiavellian manipulators, murderous sadists, and rapacious corporate swindlers, Dr. Oakley discusses the research of where and how evil thrives.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Battles of Culture Wars

Check out a lengthy article about our Culture Wars show and our PTC run-ins.

I haven't yet discussed the boycott and donor issue here, but this story goes into the matter in detail. Once our ongoing podcasting delay has been resolved, everyone can listen at their convenience and hear how this matter played out on the program.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Satan is Watching You!?

So do these look like the eyes of the Antichrist?

Some Detroit politicians think so and they, apparently, have nothing better to do these days than waste time trying to get an MGM casino billboard removed. Check out the story here.

It looks like the good folks of Detroit put a lot of intelligent thought into the kinds of people they elect into office.

Although this example is absurd, stupid incidents like this help highlight one of the major problems of life in modern America: knee-jerk impulses to get the government to control speech and expression. If some nut-jobs in Detroit are disturbed by this billboard, thinking it shows the eyes of Satan looking at motorists (these people are probably close kissing cousins to the good folks who thought the theme song of the old Mr. Ed TV show contained Satanic lyrics when played backward and who had nothing better to do with their time than look for Satanic messages in Judas Priest and Black Sabbath songs), is it really the job of the local government to step in and censor MGM advertising?

The best part of the story is about the pastor's outrage at families with kids in the car having to see the billboard. The pastor, of course, could advise all those parents who might be disturbed that the same Bill of Rights that protects that billboard is the one that lets them go to church and worship any way they want.

As one of our Culture Wars fans recently wrote us, "Isn't America great?"

It sure is, even as it lets so many lunatics run around, mount protest campaigns, and get media attention.

Or this could be just another prelude to 2012!!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Gotta read this article...

I included the links to some outstanding blogs on the right so an astute and active reader exploring every inch of DonovanMedia could check them out and read some really good stuff.

This piece on the Reason magazine Hit & Run blog, though, is so well done I had to take the time to point it out. It's a thoroughly outstanding dismantling and destruction of a particularly noxious piece of bull*%# about the grace and spiritual rewards of suffering through a financial catastrophe.

And yes, I proudly admit that I regularly play the lottery because I want to win a @%*#load of money I can use to buy frivolous, extravagant, expensive stuff and live a life of materialistic bliss.

Octomom Should Do Porn (?)

...and that was the question for our listeners on the last episode of Culture Wars.

With the nice turnout of opinions on the great chimpanzee controversy, we'd love to know what Culture Warmongers think of the last strange turn in Nadya "Octomom" Suleman's bizarre saga. Apparently she has gotten a $1 million offer to do a porn flick with Vivid Entertainment. Check out the story here.

It is interesting to read that Suleman will be given as much input on the "plot" and the overall development of the film one would expect any major star to get. Vivid CEO Stephen Hirsch has promised to work out the deal with Suleman in such a way that she will be satisfied and comfortable with the finished product. Whoever said the porn industry was sleazy?

So let us know what you think? Should she do it because the money she's earning will keep her from leaching off California's citizens? Or have you had enough of Suleman and wish all news of her would just disappear? Is this tacky and morally offensive? Or maybe you can't wait until it comes out so you can add the video to your library of Vivid Entertainment classics?
Send your comments to