Saturday, December 4, 2021

How Books Are Made: With Patience...

Here's a story I ran across in the Saint Peter's school newspaper about my book signing event when FATAL POSE came out. It slipped my mind when the story ran and I wanted to share it here for an amusing example of how long certain books can gestate before finally finding publication. 

As I discuss in the article, FATAL POSE had originally started rattling around in my head way college. So, that actually would be in the, well, let's say early 1990s. No, age is not making it slip my mind! But the point is that when you realize that the kernel of a good idea for a story exists, don't worry about needing to work with it, reshaping it, putting aside and coming back to it, or just taking it completely apart and rewriting it from word number one.

As I discuss in the article, I actually do outline all that I write very carefully and always know exactly where a story is supposed to end up. Except when the story is finished, I might realize that something - or a number of things - might still not work. Such was the case with FATAL POSE.

After a lot of life getting in the way, other books getting published, agents and editors coming and going, many of them passing on the book, FATAL POSE finally found life at World Castle Publishing.

So hang in there and keep punching away at that keyboard.


  1. Is this more of your school newspaper propaganda doing you'r PR dirty work for you so you can attach anti truth community?

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I'm not sure I understand the question. Please proofread before posting. What am I supposed to be attaching to the "anti truth" community? Do you mean "attack?" And I think you mean "your" and not "you'r." And if you are asking about whether or not the book is about conspiracy theories, please read the entire article. "Fatal Pose" has nothing to do with the absurd, illogical, laughable world of conspiracy theorists who choose to call themselves the "truthers." Although I do have several upcoming projects dealing with their ilk.

    2. YOUR propaganda garbage is being read by the entire truth community and will be answered word for word! Truth bombs coming!

    3. Dear Anonymous,
      If your "truth community" is reading my new book, Fatal Pose, I, 1. am happy that they are doing son and 2. am somewhat sorry that they will be disappointed at not being able to find a plot dealing with conspiracy theories. It is a murder mystery set in the world of professional bodybuilding. That is it and nothing more. I do hope every reader enjoys it. Not sure, however, what kinds of truth bombs it will inspire.

    4. Sure nothing but a mystery. Just media blitz to hide your secret agenda.

  2. aRe there female bodybuilders in your book?

    1. Yes, indeed there are. I wanted to represent both men and women in the sport. One of the lead characters, Dr. Erika Lindstad is a bodybuilder. I hope you check out the book and enjoy it!
