Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Spike Lee controversy and the end of the conspiracy theorist hero

I was recently interviewed for this article for the French film-magazine, Telerama, about Spike Lee’s new documentary miniseries about New York and the strange, needless controversy surrounding it. As the article details, Lee appears to be a conspiracist who inserted a 30-minute-long segment about the claims of the so-called 9/11 “truth movement” into the final episode of his upcoming HBO documentary, “NYC Epicenters 9/11-2021 ½.” 

Lee’s film focuses on New York City and how it has fared over the last two decades, from the 9/11 attacks until the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, since the miniseries foregrounds New York culture over that twenty-year period rather than dealing specifically with 9/11, the insertion of what critics have called a virtual endorsement of one of the most repellent 9/11 conspiracy theorists seems peculiar.


The segment which Lee has since removed, reportedly leaving the final installment of the documentary series only 90-minutes-long whereas the other episodes each clock in at two hours, essentially gives the microphone to Richard Gage, the founder of “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.” Among 9/11 conspiracy theorists, Gage’s claims about the attack are particularly offensive and deranged. Aside from the standard, debunked canards of the 9/11 conspiracy mythology – that jet fuel couldn’t have melted steel, that the collapse of the towers was a controlled demolition, and that the collapse of Tower 7 is some kind of a “smoking gun” proving a conspiracy – Gage has argued that the towers were actually hit by drones camouflaged by holograms. He has repeatedly endorsed the claims that the Israeli government was behind the attacks, appearing on numerous podcasts and conspiracy-friendly outlets that also believe the Holocaust was a hoax and that all the world’s miseries are caused by all-powerful, all-controlling Jewish cabals. Recently Gage has also jumped on the COVID-conspiracy bandwagon, arguing that the pandemic was a government-engineered false flag operation, that vaccines will kill people, and it is all but a part of a grand New World Order plan to exterminate large swaths of the human population. Then, for good measure, Gage has also blamed Bill Gates for this massive conspiracy.


To be sure, the examination of the cultural impact of these tragedies on New York City is an excellent idea for a documentary. Why Lee would choose to mar that work by giving the floor to an opportunistic charlatan like Gage is somewhat odd. And I say “somewhat” odd because Lee had often made comments to the effect that he, too, believes in the main tenets of 9/11 conspiracism. He had recited those now debunked theories about jet fuel and steel and controlled demolitions. At one point, sounding spectacularly ignorant, Lee had also said that he hoped there would be a full-scale Congressional investigation into the causes of the collapse of the World Trade towers on 9/11.  Except there has been such an investigation. In fact, it had been carried out between 2002 and 204 by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, commonly referred to as the 9/11 Commission. So since Lee appears to be a full-fledged fellow traveler of the Richard Gage and Alex Jones conspiracy crowd, it makes sense that he would want to propagate their theories in his documentary. Now my impression of Spike Lee, from what I have read about him in the entertainment news media, is that he is not a stupid man (an assessment I am reconsidering now in light of this controversy) I am stunned that it wouldn’t occur to him how offensive the majority of Americans find Gage and his ilk. There is a reason none of Lee's colleagues in Hollywood have given 9/11 the Oliver Stone “JFK” treatment; because they understand how the 9/11 truthers are a bunch of bottom-feeding ghouls, a collection of grave-robbers attempting to capitalize on the deaths of thousands of Americans. Giving Richard Gage a platform in a documentary like this is akin to someone making a documentary about the Moon landing and giving the flat Earth theorists and the moon-landing-hoax crowd equal time to argue their beliefs. The fact that Lee does not realize this is stunning.


But what happens now that Lee had wised up and removed Gage’s segment? Because Lee was foolish enough to put Gage in the documentary to begin with, he has merely been made a martyr for the conspiracy cause. Richard Gage is a now an idealistic “truth seeker” who is being silenced by The Man for getting too close to the dangerous truth. Just like Alex Jones, Gage might be able to appeal to an even bigger legion of those who are delusional and pathologically alienated from the real world. Gage’s acolytes are those who can’t live in the real world and would rather make up their fantasy version of it, a version in which they are smarter, more astute, more vigilant to the hidden truth than all the “sheeple” around them. 


The unpleasant irony in this is that the bookend of Lee’s documentary about New York is the COVID pandemic, a plague that has killed so many more people than it should have and a plague that appears to be intensifying once more because of the madness of conspiratorial thinking. The COVID deniers, the anti-vaxxers, the conspiracy theorists ranting about Bill Gates depopulating the world and putting microchips into vaccines and altering the human DNA are driven by the same fantasies fueling the 9/11 derangement. And, yes, I do loath to call the 9/11 conspiracy theorists “truthers.” They are lying parasites who feed off the blood of three thousand and some innocent Americans. The COVID vaccine conspiracy theorists, in turn, are the kinds of people we had seen stand trial for encouraging the mentally unstable to commit suicide.


Although, as the article concludes and as I have been writing for years, this entire Spike Lee controversy appears to be bringing a change to the entertainment industry. The conspiracy theorist hero might soon disappear from popular culture. Films, TV shows, and books – just as I had done in my books like CONFIRMATION: INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNEXPLAINED, and THE CEDAR VALLEY COVENANT – might soon show them to be the villains they really are.


  1. This is a lying fraud article. Nice to have connections in Hollywood to control all the anti truth propaganda. Don't think all your disinformation and indoctorination won't be challanged!

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I am touched by how much power you think I have to control "all" of the this "anti-truth propaganda.

  2. So an architect like Gage doesn't know what he's talking about? YOur ignorant or your lying.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Don't underestimate the ability of anyone - even academics - to sell out for the fast buck, to start spreading their deranged fantasies of grand conspiracies when they know they will be able to profit off the gullible and alienated. If Richard Gage feels that he has incontrovertible proof of some kind of conspiracy on 9/11, why does he not publish this information in refereed, peer-reviewed academic journals.

  3. Richard Gage drops truth bombs on NWO insiders and joke intellectuals like you. What does being a communication teacher let you comment on science and engineering? You are a pathetic desperate little nothing. Very sad. SMH

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      As I wrote in my reply to the previous post, if Gage would have wanted to drop a real "truth bomb" and not some fizzling dud, he could have done it by first publishing that evidence in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

  4. The 9/11 commission is a joke like the Warren Commission. Do your research.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      It took the 9/11 Commission two years to carry out their investigation and publish thousands of pages worth analysis. Neither the 9/11 nor the Warren commission findings are cover-ups.

  5. Funny how all the anti truth propaganda takes off on the 20 year anniversary of the greatest government sanctioned mass murder in history. What do you think Doctor?

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Please elaborate on what you mean by propaganda and offer evidence for a government conspiracy that has not already been thoroughly debunked over the last two decades.

  6. Replies
    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Name-calling does not contribute to your argument...whatever that argument may be. I am more than interested and I welcome feedback to anything I write on this blog, but please try and make your points by offering more than childish insults like "Globalist shill."

  7. The comments from these morons prove you're doing the right thing, Dr. Donovan! Keep up the good fight!

    1. what good fight?? indoctrination and mind control??

  8. Dear Anonymous,
    Thank you for your positive feedback! Much appreciated! :)

  9. And can you explain why NO JEWS died on 9/11, my dearest professor? Can we have some facts instead of your knee jerk response that it was all antisemitism? Gage and Holocaust: can we have an explanation, dearest professor for why no one could find a single record of Jews who supposedly died in the so-called "Holocaust" have no records of ever having existed before WW2??? You can delete my comment now because everyone knows you can't respond to facts and no one can disagree with you.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      You need to double check your facts from sources other than conspiracy theory web sites or social media, or where ever the "alternate" community congregates. The fact is that between 200 and 400 Jewish people died in the attacks. That is according to an FBI report and the 9/11 Commission report on the casualties of 9/11. That repulsive little claim about no Jewish people dying on that day, that anti-semitic claim that has been circulating among neo-Nazis and every other fringe hate group for the past two decades, has been roundly debunked over and over again. The purpose of that claim is nothing but a vile attempt at sowing hate and division. And no, I am not going to delete your comment. Hate, ignorance and bigotry needs to have a light shined on it so good people can always recognize it and resist it.

  10. Handing out the walking orders to military/pharma complex to suppress the truth movement and descent? Don't think that your plans to use Hollywood to demonize alt researchers and truth seekers will work. You will fail! I guarantee it!

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Yes, all of my Hollywood friends hang on my every word and they are standing by for my next set of instructions. I'm scheduled, in fact, for a meeting with the heads of all major studios this week and I will expect them to take good notes as I give them their marching orders.

  11. You should honor the memories of the victims and demand justice in the greatest government orchestrated murder operation and false flag attack in history!

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      You need to take your own advice and honor the memories of the the 9/11 victims instead of helping con-artists and charlatans exploit them for profit.

  12. Please don't think the alternate history community is not paying attention to your disgusting propaganda.

  13. Dear Anonymous,
    I certainly hope you are right and more of them will actually recognize the real truth: that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were behind the 9/11 attacks and not a U.S. government-led false flag conspiracy of any sort.
