Monday, April 5, 2021

Cover reveal for my forthcoming novel!

A murder mystery in the world of professional bodybuilding.

In the city of Los Angeles, where fitness is almost a religion...

One of the most muscular...will soon fall!


  1. Promoting the trans agenda much? Please take down your perverse pictures from where people can see them. I don't want to read your book.

  2. Dear unknown,
    What about that picture promotes and kind of a "trans" agenda? Please explain. If you are referring to the woman on the cover of my forthcoming book, the plot takes place in the world of professional bodybuilding, just like I wrote above. I have both female and male bodybuilder characters in it. So I'm not sure what kind of a sinister agenda that might be promoting. The only thing your comment tells me is that you must be very insecure in your masculinity to feel threatened enough by the image of a muscular woman to take the time and write absurd comments like this on blogs. And you also have the choice not to read my book, my blog, or to even look at any book covers or pictures I post here.
