Thursday, September 17, 2020

Teachergate and Gay Frogs

This fall semester I am teaching my class on the history of conspiracy theories and conspiracy entertainment again, and this time we’re busier than ever. As I post supplemental materials on the course Blackboard shell, it becomes harder and harder to keep ahead of the students. They’re often able to top me finding the most outlandish conspiratorial claims in the shortest amount of time. It’s especially gratifying—or is that disturbing?—to see them find older theories that somehow still finds some adherents.


For example, when one of my students found Alex Jones’ rants about the New World Order introducing chemicals into the water supply that turn frogs gay, lots of laughs were had in class. Check out this YouTube clip where someone edited Jones’ histrionics into a music video. While the clip was posted three years ago, there are still Jones fans out there worried about those homosexuality-causing chemicals in the drinking water.


The frog theory and video, aside from being hilarious, were also quite useful for our discussion of the fluoride-in-the-water conspiracy theory of the 1950s and 60s. That was a theory Stanley Kubrick had already lampooned in his 1964 classic, Dr. Strangelove. Yet fluoridated-water theory still has its staunch believers to this day.


The students’ final project will be the Do It Yourself Conspiracy exercise, where they will have to create their own conspiracy theory using the typical conspiracist’s tricks of the trade: cherry-picking facts to support preconceived ideas, quoting people out of context, making spurious connections between unrelated variables. Usually in the past I had seen some remarkable creations of conspiracy fiction that rival the professional charlatans like Jones or the people at the State of the Nation and the Millennium report sites. This year, however, I’m not sure how the students’ work will stack up against the unadulterated madness of the pros.


I mean QAnon? Really people? A vast cabal of human-sacrificing Satanists led by Tom Hanks congregating in tunnels deep underground to drink human blood? Take a look at this Time article to see how committed the QAnon followers are to their cause.


And then I noticed a series of posts on the Before It’s News site that quite impressed me. No major news event is left unexploited by the truly committed conspiracists. School closings, apparently, are suspect for a writer named Hank Wolfe, with online education being just a part of a vast 5G mind-control plot he calls "Teachergate." In his posts, Wolfe draws a line between school closings, 5G towers, the New World Order, brainwashing, and all the way to Elon Musk’s neuralink microchip and teachers being replaced by perfectly realistic artificial intelligence simulations on the screens of millions of students across the country.


Wolfe’s complete thesis can be read across the following four postings:


The one disappointing thing about Wolfe’s posts is the way he didn’t weave Satan, the Antichrist, or blood-drinking, devil-worshipping celebrities into his yarn. Perhaps it’s because A Call for an Uprising is working that side of the street. Or maybe Wolfe just didn’t get around to it yet. Perhaps that will be his next major revelation.


But with theories like Wolfe’s out there, my students will be challenged to reach deep inside their creative core and really work extra hard to top harebrained craziness. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

9/28/20 - Learn the Secret of the Covenant!

The release date has been set! On September 28, my new novel, "The Cedar Valley Covenant" will be released by World Castle Publishing. In the meantime, however, take an exclusive look at the book's jacket copy!


Jessica Lafayette, best-selling relationship author and soon-to-be radio personality, had a near-perfect life. But she dreamed of reconnecting with her estranged father. Then an accident along a dark stretch of highway shattered everything. Instead of making peace, Jessica comes to attend a funeral in the idyllic Southern Illinois college-town of Cedar Valley.


After claiming her father’s ashes from the local funeral home, Jessica begins to suspect the unthinkable. The urn she had been given does not contain ashes, and the remains of the dead might be used in the savage rites of an otherworldly power that has taken control of the town.

Pursued by a murderer in thrall to the evil controlling the town, Jessica finds herself involved with an esteemed scientist and shadowed by an enigmatic outsider, all the while struggling to understand the corruption haunting this town. From eminent thinkers to a rising political power broker, Cedar Valley’s best and brightest should have the resources to fight back. Except somehow, some of them have chosen to collude with an Apocalyptic force that will soon alter the course of all life on Earth. 

With no way out, Jessica must fight back and uncover the devastating secret of…The Cedar Valley Covenant.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The exploitation of tragedy.

Every time we think the cesspool of today’s conspiracy culture can’t get any worse, it finds a way to sink even lower, to show a heretofore level of unseen callousness and heartlessness.

For several days now, various media outlets have been reporting on the quick spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories about the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests and riots. This is a fairly detailed story about the conspiracy theories from the BBC.

As we are witnessing an American tragedy, the reminder of how fragile our culture is because of race relations, the second tragedy is to see its exploitation by individuals in order to spur even more division, even more distrust and fear among Americans. At a time when the culture needs to come together, to find common ground, to communicate with each other and find a way to live together as one nation and one people, individuals who take this unrest as an opportunity to encourage more suspicion and distrust are little better than murderers themselves.

But as we've seen the handiwork of those who traffic in unsubstantiated conspiracy fantasies before, their behavior should be of no surprise now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Those who fail to learn from history…well, you know the rest.

So I just ran across this article from a couple of days ago about the eerie parallels between the 1918 Spanish Flu and the current COVID-19 pandemic. More precisely, it’s an article about how the frustrations with the 1918 forced social-distancing and mandatory closing of businesses inspired many to rebel and push back. As understandable as their frustrations were, once they crossed into irrational revolt against even simple cautionary regulations like the mandates to wear face masks, the results were tragic and foreseeable. There was a second wave of the disease outbreak in the fall of 1918 and more lives were needlessly lost.

Are we on a path to repeating what happened in 1918? As we just came out of the Memorial Day weekend, in many places in the country it sure seems like it. We just saw headlining stories about acts of such mindlessness, sheer thoughtless stupidity that it makes one test which is stronger…one’s skull or the nearest brick wall. Hundreds of people packed into pool parties, backyard get-togethers, bars, and beaches while refusing to wear facemasks and ignoring social-distancing practices makes me wonder whether or not at some point in the very recent past we might have suffered from another silent pandemic. And that would have been a pandemic that quietly attacked the brains of huge swaths of the population and drastically reduced IQs. 

But as I had written before, I am completely sympathetic to the call for reopening of the country. It needs to be done before the current economic crisis slides toward a catastrophe to rival the Great Depression. Yet why do we have people asking for the restart of the economy sabotaging their own message with their madness? As infection rates are spiking in several parts of the country, why do we still have to listen to this insanity about how asking people to wear a simple facemask in certain public places is akin to a totalitarian takeover? 

Oh yeah, because despite the fact that we are living in a time when communication technology can give access to information, knowledge, facts, scientific data to virtually everyone at a fraction of a second, we are just incapable and unwilling to learn from history. Learning from absurd conspiracy theories on the internet and hysterical fear-mongering about a totalitarian takeover, sure. Learning from history and scientific authorities...forget about it.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Do you want to exercise your rights? Do it with a facemask!!

And no, making you put on that mask in a crowd while you exercise your rights to free speech and to organize protests is not a part of the creepy commie globalist menace run by International Bankers and Globalists.

Just as we started a well-justified discussion of how long and to what extent a national lockdown during the Coronavirus pandemic needs to go on, the one way you could definitely derail your argument for reopening the country is to follow the lead of various gun-toting and flag- and sign-waving yahoos getting a lot of recent attention for their rallies in places like Michigan, Washington, Ohio, and North Carolina among about two dozen or so states.

And planning to reopen the country is, in fact, crucial. It must be done very soon. Daily news updates on the COVID-19 crisis will, without fail, look at the ever-worsening economic situation. At this writing 33.5 Americans are unemployed. Those are people who, through no fault of their own, are unable to pay their rent, their mortgages, or their children’s education. To feed their families, they now need to stand in line at food banks and wait for handouts. Their frustration and fear of a disintegrating economy is understandable. We must keep this pandemic from forcing this country—the world—to relive the 1930s.

This link to a recent New York Times Magazine article about how imperative it is to restart the economy presents various points of view on the issue, including the ethics of weighing the potential death tolls against the devastation wrought upon lives and families by a collapsing economy. From bioethicists to economists and healthcare and civil-rights activists, the piece presents a roundtable discussion of how common sense can somehow let us try and deal with a crisis that will have no easy solution.

If you take a close look at strip malls or any shopping centers where grocery chains and Walmarts and Costcos stand open next to various other closed small businesses, the logic of pushing for reopening is obvious. I myself live next to a Walmart and a ShopRite grocery store, both of which have been open seven days a week throughout the entire pandemic lockdown. I also live next to a very long stretch of strip malls where tile stores, electronics shops, clothing boutiques, and a TJ Max have been closed for weeks. During this lockdown, one could always find more people inside the Walmart or the ShopRite than the tile store or TJ Max at any time before the pandemic. Of course, in both the ShopRite and the Walmart the sizes of crowds had been regulated and plenty of signage is encouraging people to keep at least six feet away from each other. Although neither store, up until now, has mandated that all people wear face masks when they enter, most people do. All of the employees of these establishments also wear masks and gloves at all times. By the same token we could protect the public health and work toward flattening the infection curve and allow more small businesses to open and send more people back to work. That, I believe, is just common sense. 

Common sense, however, seems to be at a frustratingly all-time-low supply in this country. The anti-lockdown protest movement gives evidence to this. One needs to take one look at their absurd signs waved around at the rallies—demanding the right to risk their own lives and those of others by refusing to wear masks—listen to their conspiracy theories about Bill Gates implanting people with microchips at the behest of the global fascist takeover, and any inclination to speed up the reopening of the country will evaporate from most sane people’s minds. The dialogue about the crisis of our times is being derailed, the argument for the need to restart the economy as soon as possible has been poisoned by, hijacked by a conspiracy-addled lunatic fringe. This is a lunatic fringe that insists on living in its own self-aggrandizing fantasy world where they see themselves as collection of action heroes saving freedom and democracy from jack-booted forces of evil. 

To be sure, this anti-lockdown conspiracy crowd is relatively small and their position is not shared by most of the country. The majority of Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, support precautionary measures against the spread of COVID. Yet the reckless gatherings of these “patriots” where a lack of precautions against infection is a sign of idealism and defiance will keep prolonging the disease, will keep adding to the death count. That, in turn, will prolong the return to normalcy and will keep the economy sinking further and further into an abyss.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Belief in the 5G/Coronavirus connection: A study of a world gone mad

This is a recent article I was quoted in about some of the most demented conspiracy theories involving COVID-19. There is an especially strong focus on the claims of a link between 5G technology and the virus, something I'm certain most rational people can't quite wrap their minds around. As I had written in the previous post, the idea of cell-phone radiation having anything to do with a respiratory infection spread by saliva droplets is so ludicrous that it should barely be addressed. Except a growing subculture of the paranoid out there are willing to believe it and there are unscrupulous charlatans all across cyberspace who are more than willing to profit off of telling them what they want to hear.

So check out the article for more of the 5G craziness and other COVID-19 theories. Like the link between testing for the infection and the Mark of the Beast...

Saturday, April 11, 2020

And the prize goes...

To the 5G-Coronavirus-link conspiracy theories for the most moronic of all the conspiracy theorizing oozing through the Internet.

The idea that a respiratory illness could be caused by low-frequency cell tower radiation is almost on par with the Flat Earth theories and the QAnon theories. It is so absurd that skeptics really needn’t waste any time even answering them. It is a theory so irrational and illogical that they make the claims that a vast, global Satanic child abuse ring run by Hollywood’s top celebrities out of a Washington D.C. pizza parlor sound sane.

And then you have people in England setting 5G towers on fire!

So check out this article where a medical director for NHS England and an associate professor of cellular microbiology at the University of Reading do have to take the time to explain why the idea that there is any sort of a connection between COVID-19 and 5G radiation is “absolute and utter rubbish.” Basically, if your computer were to be infected by a virus after you had perused too many disreputable web pages—say web pages purveying particularly deviant pornography—would you suddenly get nervous that you, too, might get sick? You woudn’t now, would you? So the idea that an illness spread by droplets of saliva should have anything to do with cell phone radiation is just as deranged.

If one wants to worry about any unscrupulous parties having a hand in exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic, they should pay attention to the article’s points about Russian disinformation campaigns playing a part in the spread of conspiracy theories. As it writes, “some state and state-backed actors seek to exploit the public health crisis to advance geopolitical interests.”

A much more realistic bit of food for thought than then 5G secret weapon of the Illuminati New World Order, isn’t it?