Monday, February 22, 2016

Smiley Face Killer in New Jersey?

No, a nation-wide network of serial killers has not struck in New Jersey. Check out this article I was recently interviewed for about the "Smiley Face Killer" theory and how the recent drowning death of a Hoboken man in the Hudson River was immediately attributed by some to a conspiracy of serial killers being protected by the police. Of course, I'm not much surprised by how the conspiratorially inclined will want to believe in this. Any major - or even minor - event these days almost immediately inspires accusations of conspiracy. Although this particular conspiracy sounds so much like the debunked Satanic underground conspiracies of the 80s and early 90s that I'm dismayed that more than a tiny handful of the pathologically gullible will want to believe it. Just like the Satanic conspiracies, the Smiley Face Killer theory alleges that there's a nation-wide network of serial killers working together and that a vast conspiracy within law enforcement is keeping it all covered up. Sounds like something that would make for a really cool movie - sounds a bit like the 80s Sly Stallone flick Cobra - but not particularly believable in the real world.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Walking Dead Returns

Fan behavior, and especially fan anger, should be of ongoing concern to media producers of all types, especially TV showrunners. I was interviewed for this Detroit News article about The Walking Dead and the fan outrage over Glenn's fake death. Check it out here.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

What Not to Say to Romance Readers

I was interviewed for a Woman's Day article about the broad, unfair, and sexist stereotyping of romance literature. It's an issue that can be applied to all forms of genre entertainment and fan communities. Before the critics of genre lit or movies or TV shows paint fans with broad strokes, they should actually take the time to understand the entertainment they are talking about and the pleasures they bring to their fans. Check out this very good article right here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Talking Oscars and Golden Globes on Fresh Outlook

With February just around the corner, I'm getting Oscar fever! And so is the Fresh Outlook TV show on the Ebru network. Check out my guest appearance on Fresh Outlook and discussion of some of the films up for awards, and the Internet's impact on television as evidenced by some of the Golden Globe nominations and wins right here.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Crisis Fatigue?

Have audiences become too weary of more bad news, more threats, and more terror in the Middle East? I was recently interviewed in this International Business Times article about whether or not Americans are becoming desensitized to ISIS beheading videos. At first images and articles of the brutal ISIS executions were just about inescapable on the internet. But what about the most recent execution videos? Are we no longer moved?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Edge of the Unknown

I was recently interviewed on the Edge of the Unknown radio show, hosted by Mark Henry. You can listen to the entire two hour program right here. We discuss everything from UFOs to Area 51, just what exactly the U.S. government's HAARP project does - what it's accused of doing! - the JFK assassination, and whether or not the Moon Landing was a the allure of all the conspiracy theories surrounding all of these things.

So what are the unbelievable conspiracies, the unlikely ones, and which ones might just possibly have something to them?  Check out this episode of the Edge of the the archives of a long list of great discussions with Mark Henry every week.

Friday, November 22, 2013

50 Years of Myths

In this op-ed piece I wrote for the Jersey Journal in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, I talk about the growth of the assassination myths and their potential danger.

In a half century, a multimillion dollar industry perpetuating a mountain of misconceptions, lies, misinterpretations, fantasies, and fallacies about vast shadowy conspiracies behind JFK's murder has risen. Although these theories can all be debunked, does our culture's fixation on them signal something troubling about the times we live in?