Saturday, March 14, 2020

Unconscionable Monsters...

That’s the only phrase I could use in a recent reply I wrote to a comment on my October 29, 2018 post about the Call for and Uprising YouTube channel that has recently shifted from its laughably ridiculous obsession with Satanists in the entertainment industry to its jumping on a series of repugnant, morally bankrupt Coronavirus conspiracy theories. The worse of these theories—to be found all over the online conspiracy community—all amount to attempting to convince people to ignore the scientific and medical establishment’s guidelines on avoiding the COVID-19 virus. People who actively try to convince others to ignore the safety warnings about this disease can hardly be classified as human. Can there be no clearer example of true evil in this world today than someone who willfully attempts to deceive others into endangering their lives and health? Such behavior is on par with attempted murder.

Among some of the most repellent examples of these theories, found all across web pages like State of the Nation, The Millennium Report, Before It’s News, or Alex Jones’ Infowars, include claims that the virus just simply does not exist, that the illnesses are caused by 5G cell towers, that the entire outbreak was engineered by some mysterious “they” to depopulate the Earth, or that the virus is real but it had been created to then compel people to take vaccines that will kill them. 

Alex Jones, the most high-profile and prolific of these professional scumbags, has also just been warned by the New York State attorney general’s office to stop peddling a “natural” remedy he claims will cure COVID-19. Check out an article about it right here. Jones, of course, knows full well that tens of thousands of his readers and listeners hang on his every word every day. And he knows that there is no cure yet for the virus. Attempting to sell his listeners this modern day version of snake oil (a concoction called colloidal silver that has absolutely no scientifically proven medicinal properties) is the act of one of the most brazen, the most audacious sociopaths in the conspiracy world.

There indeed are a couple of horrible diseases spreading the world right now. The Coronavirus is just one of them. The other one is the conspiracy theory.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Why we believe nonsense

Check out this article on the Bipartisan Press site where I am quoted extensively about why people believe in and share so uncritically and enthusiastically every scrap of fake news and conspiracy theory about the Coronavirus.

As with most conspiracy theories, the mind-numbing, stomach turning craziness that is proliferating on the Internet about the COVID-19 outbreak actually offers relief and order to the minds of a large segment of the population. Conspiracy theories assure their believers that there is some kind of a hidden order behind the chaos of the world, even if that hidden order is malevolent.

Imagine if the Illuminati, the Satanists, and the New World Order did NOT create COVID-19. Imagine that it's spreading all on its own and there is nothing the best and the brightest of the world can do about it. Horrifying, isn't it?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Cover reveal!

So check out the cover for my forthcoming science-fiction/thriller, THE CEDAR VALLEY COVENANT, coming later this year from World Castle Publishing!

The exact release date, plot details, and all kinds of other goodies will be posted very soon. I just need to keep the suspense alive. So keep an eye on this blog and more about the shattering secret of THE CEDAR VALLEY COVENANT!